Twitter Reacts to Mike Pence’s Reagan Dinner Keynote Speech

Ben Smith /

Indiana Governor Mike Pence closed out the second day of the Conservative Political Action Conference, keynoting the the Reagan Dinner Friday night.

It was my honor to speak at tonight’s Reagan dinner at #CPAC2015. Thank you all for your support!

— Mike Pence (@mike_pence) February 28, 2015

Listening to Mike Pence speak at CPAC. He can really deliver a good talk. Makes me think of RR. — Julie (@jffree1) February 28, 2015

Pence opened the dinner discussing his faith.

Mike Pence leads off CPAC dinner speech: “I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican,” an order of personal importance for him. — Ralph Z. Hallow (@RHallow_Times) February 28, 2015

Pence hit at the Obama administration on ISIS and hinted at more military spending.

IN Gov. Mike Pence: Mr. President, Jihadi John doesn’t want a job. He wants to see paradise. Let’s help him get there. #CPAC2015

— al_pastor (@istealhotsauce) February 28, 2015

Pence: It’s time to ‘dramatically increase defense spending’ — The Washington Times (@WashTimes) February 28, 2015

Pence had his detractors.

Mike Pence is such a war hawk, he would have us invade Canada. #CPAC2015

— Madison (@Madison_Dyann) February 28, 2015

The press was mostly a no show to the governor’s speech.

A bunch of press stuck around to watch Gov. Mike Pence speak at CPAC this evening.

— Rebecca Berg (@rebeccagberg) February 28, 2015

Still, the governor made news and hinted at a presidential campaign.

Mike Pence hints at presidential campaign at CPAC — Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) February 28, 2015