Sharyl Attkisson to Testify on ‘Free Press Issues’ at Attorney General Nomination Hearing

Kelsey Bolar /

Former CBS reporter and Daily Signal senior independent contributor Sharyl Attkisson will testify at this week’s confirmation hearings for Loretta Lynch, who was nominated by President Obama to replace Eric Holder as U.S. Attorney General.

Attkisson, who was invited to speak on a panel of witnesses by the Senate Judiciary Committee led by Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, will address issues concerning freedom of the press.

She tells The Daily Signal:

The Senate Judiciary Committee is concerned about a number of free press issues, as are many journalists. They want to touch on some of those issues at the hearing for the attorney general nominee.

Attkisson has been highly critical of the Justice Department in her investigative reporting of Operation Fast and Furious and the Benghazi terrorist attacks.

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While covering these events, Attkisson alleges that the Justice Department illegally monitored her phone and computer.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is concerned about a number of free press issues, as are many journalists. @SharylAttkisson

She details the accounts in her new book, “Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington.”

Attkisson is now suing the Justice Department for the illegal surveillance of her electronics and seeking $35 million in damages.

>>> Sharyl Attkisson Sues Government for Computer Hacking

She says the Judiciary Committee will address issues pertaining to the media’s ability to access public information.

Some concerns that journalists have expressed in recent years include the direction government has taken with respect to the media, the public’s access to information, and the public’s right to know about the actions of public officials and agencies.

Lynch, who’s now the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, is the first major nomination to face the GOP-controlled Senate.

Although she’ll likely face tough questions on immigration, terrorism, and abuse of executive power, Republicans expect her to be confirmed by the Senate.

In addition to Attkisson, Catherine Engelbrecht will testify as a witness before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Engelbrecht is the founder of the Tea Party-aligned organization True the Vote, which was targeted by the IRS when it attempted to seek tax-exempt status.

The hearings are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday of this week, beginning at 10am EST.