These 41 Members of Congress Tweeted During the State of the Union. Here’s What They Had to Say.

Rob Bluey /

Members of Congress no longer just listen to the president deliver his State of the Union address. They’re also actively messaging throughout the speech. Here are some of the tweets—from Democrats, Republicans and one Independent—that caught our eye tonight.

We must stand up for human rights for everyone, everywhere #SOTU @amnesty @hrw

— Rep. Mike Honda (@RepMikeHonda) January 21, 2015

#POTUS rallying the country: "I know how tempting cynicism can be- but I still believe we are one people, that we can do great things" #SOTU

— Linda T. Sánchez (@RepLindaSanchez) January 21, 2015

POTUS says 2014 warmest year on record…please tell that to the Wisconsinites with empty propane tanks. #AlwaysSunnyOnTheGolfCourse

— Sean Duffy (@RepSeanDuffy) January 21, 2015

Marriage equality should be a civil right. That's why I introduced the Respect for Marriage Act so #LGBT families are treated equally. #SOTU

— Mike Quigley (@RepMikeQuigley) January 21, 2015

"They say that our politics seems more divided than ever." Well, stop division + don't promise to veto bills you haven't even seen! #SOTU

— Mario Diaz-Balart (@MarioDB) January 21, 2015

POTUS: "I still believe we are one people." #SOTU #BarackObama

— Lacy Clay (@LacyClayMO1) January 21, 2015

This #SOTU is all about making sure the middle class shares in the growth & the wealth created by resurging economy @WhiteHouse

— US Rep. Rick Nolan (@USRepRickNolan) January 21, 2015

Obama has declared #waroncoal; I will fight everyday for miners like Larry Gore who keep America running #SOTU

— David B. McKinley (@RepMcKinley) January 21, 2015

A microcosm of the country where D's and R's and I's, good people of every ethnicity and every faith, share certain bedrock values. #SOTU

— Bill Foster (@RepBillFoster) January 21, 2015

We will never forget about West, all that its citizens have been through and those who perished in the disaster #SOTU

— Rep. Bill Flores (@RepBillFlores) January 21, 2015

Me too, Mr. President! I'm ready to work. "I still believe that together, we can do great things, even when the odds are long." #SOTU

— Rep. Dan Kildee (@RepDanKildee) January 21, 2015

Mr. President, most Americans think race relations have deteriorated under your leadership #SOTU #SOTUlive #copolitics

— Congressman Ken Buck (@RepKenBuck) January 21, 2015

I still believe that we are one people. I still believe that together, we can do great things, even when the odds are long. -Obama #SOTU

— Rep. Doris Matsui (@DorisMatsui) January 21, 2015

"If you believe you could work full-time & support a family on $14,500/year, go try it." —Obama #SOTU #RaiseTheWage

— Paul Tonko (@RepPaulTonko) January 21, 2015

I still believe that we are one people. I still believe that together, we can do great things, even when the odds are long. #SOTU

— MichelleLujanGrisham (@RepLujanGrisham) January 21, 2015

#ObamaCare is cutting hours & wages for hardworking families costing economy equivalent of 2.3 million jobs #SOTU

— David Young (IA-3) (@RepDavidYoung) January 21, 2015

#SOTU proposals increase the reliance on, and the power of, the federal government.

— Mike Enzi (@SenatorEnzi) January 21, 2015

Glad to hear #POTUS talk about #Gitmo – we can’t wait another decade to shut it down. My @washingtonpost op-ed #SOTU

— Jackie Speier (@RepSpeier) January 21, 2015

“The single biggest threat to national security is the national debt” -Navy Adm. Mike Mullen #SOTU

— Cong. Tim Huelskamp (@CongHuelskamp) January 21, 2015

Manufacturing is growing & the auto industry is booming. Let's keep these jobs here in America #SOTU

— Rep. Debbie Dingell (@RepDebDingell) January 21, 2015

Persecuting any one group of people endangers us all. Persecution of women, religious minorities, and the LGBT community must end. #SOTU

— Congressmember Bass (@RepKarenBass) January 21, 2015

Closing Guantanamo Bay is deeply misguided. It plays an important role in combating terrorism and keeping the American people safe. #SOTU

— Rep Tim Walberg (@RepWalberg) January 21, 2015

"No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change." —President Obama #SOTU #ActOnClimate

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) January 21, 2015

Climate change:the best scientists are "all" telling us?Really?All? Wasn't aware of that.Interesting.Wrong, but interesting #SOTU #sctweets

— Rep. Mick Mulvaney (@RepMickMulvaney) January 21, 2015

Coming up at 11pmET: Sen. Sanders will be on @CNN with his reaction to the #SOTU. #SOTU2015

— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) January 21, 2015

Higher taxes and more government control does not help American families. More take-home pay and less government interference does. #SOTU

— Renee Ellmers (@Renee4Congress) January 21, 2015

Good comments on the need for stronger cybersecurity, addressing a real 21st century threat. #SOTU

— Jeff Fortenberry (@JeffFortenberry) January 21, 2015

The few Dems who applauded when Obama said he'd veto Iran Sanctions bill shows we wld be able to override the veto

— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) January 21, 2015

#Obama says he's integrating intel 2 combat cyber threats like he combats terror. Might work as long as #NorthKorea isnt JV like #ISIL #SOTU

— Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (@RosLehtinen) January 21, 2015

I agree with #POTUS. We must focus on the unprecedented and increasing number of data breaches. #cybersecurity

— Elijah E. Cummings (@RepCummings) January 21, 2015

Consumer protection is paramount. I want to make sure companies are better prepared to protect consumer data. #SOTU

— Gus Bilirakis (@RepGusBilirakis) January 21, 2015

It would be foolish of Congress to impose new sanctions & risk giving #Iran an excuse to walk away from these critial talks. #SOTU

— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) January 21, 2015

You want a job done right? Hire a veteran. #SOTU

— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) January 21, 2015

I have heard nothing about getting spending under control & tackling our $18 trillion debt. That would leave a lasting legacy. #SOTU

— Rep. Randy Hultgren (@RepHultgren) January 21, 2015

Raising taxes doesn't create jobs. We need to focus on cutting spending, reducing the debt, and getting Americans to work. #SOTU2015

— Lynn Westmoreland (@RepWestmoreland) January 21, 2015

We need pro-growth tax reform Mr. President, not higher taxes. #ObamaTaxes #TaxReform

— RepKevinBrady (@RepKevinBrady) January 21, 2015

First bill passed by this new Congress was #HireMoreHeroes. If POTUS wants to help veterans find jobs, he should sign this bill.

— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) January 21, 2015

Obama just claimed you can't raise a family on $7.25 hr. NEWS FLASH: you can't do it on $10.10 hr either! #sotu

— Aaron Schock (@aaronschock) January 21, 2015

Ready to work with the President and with anyone else to fix our country’s problems. Let's start by repealing and replacing Ocare #SOTU

— Bill Cassidy (@BillCassidy) January 21, 2015

Instead of working with us to alleviate some burdens of #Obamacare, the pres. threatens to veto our common sense solutions. #SOTU

— Rep. Jason Smith (@RepJasonSmith) January 21, 2015

Waiting for President to come to Congress to give his #SOTU. Rep. Renee Ellmers of NC is standing in foreground.

— Joe Barton (@RepJoeBarton) January 21, 2015