Boehner: ‘I’m the Most Anti-Establishment Speaker We’ve Ever Had’

Melissa Quinn /

House Speaker John Boehner couldn’t disagree more with conservatives who label him an “establishment” Republican and a “squish.”

In fact, while speaking at his first press conference since surviving the most divisive speaker election in more than a century, the Ohio Republican argued he is the “most anti-establishment speaker we’ve ever had.”

“I tell you what pains me the most is when they describe me as the establishment,” @SpeakerBoehner said of the name-calling from conservative lawmakers.

Throughout Boehner’s tenure as the chamber’s top Republican, conservatives have taken issue with what they believe is his willingness to negotiate with Democrats and President Obama, and passing legislation that abandons conservative principles and policies.

On Tuesday, 24 Republicans defected from voting for Boehner in the election for speaker of the House and cast votes for other GOP nominees. One voted “present.”

Boehner, though, spoke of his track record as the No. 1 Republican, which includes banning earmarks.

>>> 23 Conservative Leaders Warn Boehner Not to Punish GOP Dissenters