Raw Video: Protesters Disrupt 100-Year-Old Navy Veteran’s Award Ceremony

Natalie Johnson /

Dario Raschio, a 100-year-old Navy veteran, was preparing to receive a slew of medals from Sen. Ron Wyden in Oregon on Saturday to recognize his military service.

But just moments into Wyden’s speech, more than 100 protesters burst into the meeting chanting, “Hands up, don’t shoot” and “I can’t breathe,” according to a local paper.

The protesters pressed on for 15 minutes until Wyden was finally able to settle the crowd. He presented Raschio with an array of medals and a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol.

But the protests began again, cutting into Raschio’s acceptance speech. This time, they demanded an end to the war in Iraq.

The World War II veteran quickly broke through the noise.

“Give me a chance!” he pleaded. Some in the crowd laughed. “At least, let’s show a little respect for this occasion.”

The audience finally quieted and Raschio was able to end his short speech, telling the crowd, “God bless America. And you people that are here for a cause, whatever it might be—show a little respect to Sen. Wyden.”

“At least, let’s show a little respect for this occasion,” said 100-year-old veteran Dario Raschio.

The Oregon Democrat concluded with a comment directed to the protesters: “One of the reasons that we can come here today and be heard and express our views is because of veterans like Dario.”

The point was fast ignored. Before Raschio could sit down, the protesters broke out again, telling the room “for 4.5 minutes we are going to take time to pay respect to everybody who has been killed by police in this nation.”

The shouting ramped up and the meeting was finally called off.

“I think that the symbolism of having a veteran 100 years old, who fought so gallantly so that those who disagree with government policies and want to exercise their First Amendment rights could be heard, that’s what made today so poignant,” Wyden later said.