Lawyers on Both Sides of Ferguson Case Answer the Question You’ve Been Asking
Kelsey Bolar /
The morning after Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson resigned, lawyers from both sides of the Michael Brown case appeared on “Fox News Sunday” to discuss the grand jury’s decision last week. Wilson wasn’t indicted, leading to riots in Ferguson and demonstrations across America.
Watch the video to hear reaction to Wilson’s resignation, fallout from the grand jury’s decision, and whether the Brown family plans to take further legal action against the former police officer.
Skip to the 2-minute mark to hear Chris Wallace ask Wilson’s lawyer the question many Americans have been waiting for.
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Neil Bruntrager, attorney for Wilson, argued the 28-year-old police officer had the right to use deadly force against the unarmed teen because he was in the “kill zone.”
“The single, most important piece of evidence is the blood spot that’s about 25 to 35 feet away from his body,” Bruntrager told Fox News’ Chris Wallace. “He has come back towards Officer Wilson, and that’s when he is shot. When he is shot, he is about 8 to 10 feet from Officer Wilson. We call that the kill zone. At 8 to 10 feet, he can kill Officer Wilson.”
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Daryl Parks, the attorney for Michael Brown’s family, disputed Bruntrager’s account, maintaining that the indictment process was “flawed.”
“I don’t blame the members of the grand jury for what resulted here,” he said in his first joint interview with Wilson’s attorney. “I think the process was flawed that was laid out by the prosecutor.”