‘The Flipside’ Offers Viewers Another Side of Comedy

Kate Scanlon /

According to the creators of a new show, comedy has been politically one-sided for too long—and they want to show viewers the flipside.

“I want to give a voice to the people who have no voice,” says @flipsideloftus.

According to its website, “The Flipside” seeks to offer viewers “a fresh perspective by taking on the flipside of the news, commentary, and pop-culture that America now calls the status quo.”

The show is hosted by Michael Loftus, whom show’s executive producer Matthew Sheffield described as a “veteran of television and late night shows.”

In the pilot episode, Loftus tells viewers:

It seems like when it comes to political TV shows, you’ve got two choices: Some goofball on Comedy Central telling you that it’s all going to be OK, that the government has all the answers. Or, you have some old white guys telling you, ‘it’s the end of the world!’ Some choice, huh?

In an interview with The Daily Signal, both Loftus and Sheffield said that they were optimistic about the show’s market.

“There is absolutely a market,” said Loftus. “I talk about politics in my act all over the country, and people respond. That’s the best survey there is.”

Sheffield said that the show seeks to show viewers “the absurdity of politics.”

“Conservatives tend to downplay entertainment as a means of expressing political opinions, and I think that is a tremendous mistake,” said Sheffield.

Sheffield made clear that while the show leans right, “we’re not Republicans.”

“Comedy points to absurdity,” said Sheffield. “All political parties are self-serving. We’re not defending Republicans. When you defend, you’re not engaging in humor.”

Sheffield said that Loftus “has always wanted to host a show like this,” a sentiment that Loftus confirmed.

“I’m making jokes about politics, things in the news, idiots,” said Loftus. “I’m happy as a clam.”

Loftus said that his goal for the show is to provide conservatives and libertarians “a place where they won’t be ambushed.”

I want to give a voice to the people who have no voice. Conservatives and libertarians go on other shows, and it is often an ambush. [On The Flipside] everyone is going to laugh, everyone is going to have a good time. Nobody out there is doing what I’m doing.

“I’d also like an Emmy,” added Loftus.

In the show’s first four episodes, guests have included Larry Elder and Janine Turner. Sheffield said he was unable to reveal upcoming guests, but that the list is “exciting” and includes “big names.”

Full episodes of “The Flipside” air once a week on YouTube. It can also be seen on Dish Network and many television affiliates.