N.Y. Police Threatened to Raid Gun Shop If Owner Didn’t Turn Over Customer Records

Daily Signal Staff /

The owner of a gun store in New York says state police threatened to kick down the door of his business in a SWAT-style raid if he didn’t turn over the purchase records for 165 customers.

Joseph Palumbo, co-owner of the Albion Gun Shop, says police were looking for anyone who bought a modified AR-15. Palumbo thought the modification was OK, but New York’s strict gun-control law makes it illegal. State police later acknowledged it was an “unintentional” violation of the NY SAFE Act, which Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law last year.

>>> How New York’s New Gun Control Law Is Working Out (Hint: Not Great)

“This is what happens when you try to pass a bill through at midnight and you give everyone 20 minutes to read the bill,” Palumbo told WGRZ in Buffalo.

Gun-rights activists are planning a rally against the law at the Albion Gun Shop on Monday at 6 p.m. It is located at 203 Hamilton St., Albion, N.Y., about 35 miles west of Rochester.