The Cloakroom: September 8 – 13
Conn Carroll /
Senate Analysis –
Returning from their five-week summer vacation, Senators face an ambitious agenda that includes liberal health care reform, a cap-and-tax energy policy, financial regulatory overhaul, a new strategy in Afghanistan and, of course, appropriations. Some insiders have even mentioned comprehensive immigration and some variation of so-called “card check.” So it is telling that the very first bill the Senate takes up next week will be the twice-defeated Tourism Promotion Act, which would tax certain foreign visitors to the US. It appears that the vast, ambitious liberal agenda is on the verge of collapse and election year politics are in full swing.
Major Senate Floor Action –
- The Senate will vote on the motion to reconsider the Tourism Promotion Act of 2009.
- Senators are likely to use debate over the Commerce-Justice-science appropriations bill to discuss the Obama Administration’s investigation into the CIA.
- The nomination of Cass Sunstein to be the Administrator of the important Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs is likely to be approved this week as well.
Major Senate Committee Action – (more…)