WATCH: Foundry’s Genevieve Wood Demolishes White House’s Wage Gap Argument

Katrina Trinko /

In a CNN appearance today, Genevieve Wood, senior contributor to The Foundry, blasted the White House for promoting the myth that women are paid significantly less than men because of their sex, rather than their career or life choices.

“Instead of celebrating” that men and women with similar jobs and levels of education make around the same, “the White House wants to portray this ‘war on women,’” Wood said on The Lead.

“Young women today in metropolitan areas, for example, who are childless, single, young women are actually outperforming males in that same category all over the country,” Wood said in her appearance with former White House communications director Anita Dunn. “But the problem with that is, they hear this kind of rhetoric that discourages young women.”

“It makes them have a lack of confidence,” Wood added, “and frankly, prevents them from doing the one thing that would get them where they need to be, which is have the confidence to ask for a raise, to ask for the right starting salary. We ought to be celebrating where women are.”