Heritage Foundation Mourns Loss of Sen. Edward Kennedy
Ed Feulner /
WASHINGTON, AUG. 26, 2009—Heritage Foundation President Ed Feulner today issued the following statement on the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy:
Even in Washington, it’s possible to disagree without being disagreeable. We should keep that in mind as America mourns the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy.
Sen. Kennedy’s career was marked by the passion he brought to his work, his dedication to serving this great country, his respect for the institution of the Senate and his pursuit of bipartisan compromise. Washington will certainly be less vibrant without him.
This is a time to celebrate Kennedy’s lifetime of public service and to pray that his family can find comfort in their time of loss.
I disagreed with Sen. Kennedy on virtually every major issue, but this sad occasion is not a time to try to score political points. Unfortunately, many are already using his passing to promote a political agenda, insisting that the United States must honor him by pushing universal health care. It is wrong, and tactless, to use Sen. Kennedy’s death — or anyone’s — simply to advance a particular policy agenda. This is a time for genuine tribute, not crass politics.