South by Southwest: Cybersecurity Speaker Needs Your Votes

Ericka Andersen /


South by Southwest (SXSW) is the premier tech and social media event in the country. Each year, thousands of people descend on Austin, Texas, to convene for a two-week conference covering a variety of new technology and ideas in the tech space.

And when it comes to technology, what could be more important than cybersecurity?

James Carafano, Heritage’s Vice President of Foreign Policy, is up for a speaking engagement focused on cybersecurity and cyberwarfare. This was the topic of his recent book, Wiki at War: Conflict in a Socially Networked World.

But we need your votes to increase his chance of being selected for the slot. It’s a two-step process that will help launch conservative ideas onto a very important cultural platform. Traditionally, this field is dominated by more liberal-leaning thinkers. But this year, Heritage has a chance to dive into that space and make the conservative voice heard amid the creative chatter.

Want to help? Here’s how:

Step 1: Sign up for a SXSW profile here.

Step 2: Once you have created your profile, click this link and vote “thumbs up” for our panel!

Step 3: Share your vote & the link with your friends on Facebook & Twitter!

We appreciate your support in making this important issue heard.