Paul Krugman And The CBO Are Not Terrorists

Conn Carroll /

Washington Post business columnist Steve Pearlstein writes about opponents of Obamacare today:

They’ve become political terrorists, willing to say or do anything to prevent the country from reaching a consensus on one of its most serious domestic problems.

And just what is the “anything” these “terrorists” are saying about health care?

There is no credible way to look at what has been proposed by the president or any congressional committee and conclude that these will result in a government takeover of the health-care system. That is a flat-out lie whose only purpose is to scare the public and stop political conversation.

A flat-out lie? Has Pearlstein seen the video of Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman saying: “The only reason not to do [single-payer] is that politically it’s hard to do in one step … whereas something that lets people keep the insurance they have but then offers the option of a public plan, that may evolve into single-payer.” Or video of fellow Washington Post employee Ezra Klein saying about public plan supporters: “They have a sneaky strategy, the point of which is to put in place something that over time the natural incentives within its own market will move it to single-payer.” Or video of Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) saying a good public option “is the best way to reach single-payer.” Or video of Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) saying: “A public option will put the private insurance industry out of business and lead to single-payer.” Is Pearlstein saying all these people are terrorists? (more…)