Cantor: Immigration Legislation Isn’t Written Yet
Rob Bluey /
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R–VA) and Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R–VA) have not yet written bill text for their plan addressing children of illegal immigrants.
Heritage’s David Addington, group vice president of research, wrote yesterday that Cantor and Goodlatte should reveal the text of their much-publicized plan “so the public can examine it.” In response, a Cantor spokesman issued the following statement:
This legislation has not been written yet. In these early stages of development, we welcome and look forward to thoughtful input and serious policy proposals and solutions to address the children in our nation who know no other home but the United States of America.
In his Foundry post, Addington said it’s critical for the American people to review the bill to see how it measures up against other proposals. He noted:
Without legislation to examine, no one knows, for example, whether Representatives Cantor and Goodlatte, in addressing the status of children brought illegally into the U.S., propose amnesty to reward any adult lawbreakers involved. Congress should not use its authority to determine whether and on what conditions foreign nationals may remain in the U.S. to reward those who have entered or remain in the U.S. illegally. Instead, Congress should fix America’s broken immigration system and reward the foreign nationals who follow American immigration laws to get to this country.