Fenty on Track with Welfare to Work Proposal in DC Budget
Kiki Bradley /
Sunday’s Washington Post reports that the District of Columbia is considering changing its welfare program to restore real work requirements for able-bodied individuals receiving cash assistance. The change is expected to save $6.2 million in the District’s budget. This is a wise move and one that other states and counties should consider making, in light of the budget shortfalls many of them face.
According to the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute, 16,000 households in the District receive cash benefits from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. Despite the federal work requirement that 50 percent of the caseload be engaged in some kind of work or work-related activity for 20-30 hours a week, only 500-600 of the District recipients are participating in work or job-search activities that meet the minimum standard. More than (more…)