Obama’s Costly Energy Plan

Nicolas Loris /

Barack Obama released his “New Energy for America” plan today during his speech at Michigan State University. His entire energy plan is laid out here. Relieving America from its foreign oil addiction was the gist of his speech:

Without a doubt, this addiction is one of the most dangerous and urgent threats this nation has ever faced – from the gas prices that are wiping out your paychecks and straining businesses to the jobs that are disappearing from this state; from the instability and terror bred in the Middle East to the rising oceans and record drought and spreading famine that could engulf our planet.

Though there was some good in Obama’s speech and in his plan, it was mostly bad. The bad policies include:

Furthermore, Obama proposes to have 1 million plug-in hybrid cars — cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon — on the road by 2015, and he suggests that they all be built here in America. (We’ll save the protectionist argument for another day.) The question now is: Where is the electricity generated that the hybrids receive? Howard Learner, executive director of the Environmental Law & Policy Center, a Chicago-based advocacy group notes that “plug-in hybrids are perhaps not good for all areas. … [S]tates that are heavily coal, that equation doesn’t work out very well for the environment.” And aren’t hybrids more expensive?

There is a bit of silver lining, however, but even the good news comes with some bad.

Granted, Obama’s plan does take some baby steps in the right direction by increasing supply and advocating nuclear, but even these parts of his plans have flaws. No mention of the Outer Continental Shelf. No mention of ANWR. No clear solution to nuclear waste. And those are the good parts.

The unfortunate part his plan is that it repeats the same mistakes of the failed policies introduced in the 1970s, along with a few other bad ideas for good measure. These policies will lead to more restrictions on energy supply and higher costs for Americans — all to change the earth’s temperature .1 of a degree.