Google Hangout on Right to Work in Michigan

Todd Thurman /

Join us on Friday, December 14, at noon ET for our “Lunch with Heritage” Google+ Hangout. We will be hosting a panel discussion on what right to work means for Michigan, and what it means for employers and employees. We want to hear from you. If you have questions you would like to ask our panel, you can leave a comment on this blog, tweet @Heritage with the hashtag #HeritageHangout, or leave a comment on our Google+ page. You can watch the hangout here, or on our Google+ page.

Our guests are:

James Sherk, Senior Policy Analyst in Labor Economics at Heritage

Lindsey Burke, Will Skillman Fellow in Education Policy Studies at Heritage

Mike Brownfield, Director of Social Media for Governor Rick Snyder (R-MI)

Manny Lopez, Managing Editor, Michigan Capitol Confidential at the Makinac Center for Public Policy