INSIDIOUS: Doctor Fired for Opposing ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Condemns Transgender Takeover of Health Care

Tyler O'Neil /

Dr. Eric Cubin, a Wyoming radiologist who was removed from the state Board of Medicine for supporting a bill restricting “gender-affirming care,” condemns the way transgender activists have taken over the medical establishment.

“I think the magnitude of the scandal is unprecedented. It’s unbelievable,” Cubin tells “The Daily Signal Podcast” about the medical industry’s support for experimental interventions euphemistically referred to as “gender-affirming care.”

“What it’s going to do, unfortunately, is serve to undermine people’s faith in the medical establishment,” he warns. “COVID did not help, and this certainly does not help.”

Cubin explained that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, an activist group masquerading as the expert on “gender-affirming care,” was “very effective at getting their message delivered to the powers that be at many, many, many different medical professional organizations,” such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, and many others.

“WPATH was able to effectively lobby them,” the radiologist said, and then they “took the position that WPATH was promoting, even though they were wrong—and even though it was all based on this horrible data that had come from WPATH.”

“But in that way, and somewhat under the cover of darkness, they insidiously were able to get their policies into each of these professional organizations,” he added.

Who Is Eric Cubin?

Wyoming’s Republican governor, Mark Gordon, appointed Cubin to the Wyoming Board of Medicine in 2023, and reappointed him earlier this year. Cubin, son of former U.S. Rep. Barbara Cubin, R-Wyo., practices in Casper.

Cubin personally supported Senate File 99, also known as “Chloe’s Law,” which Gordon signed into law in March.

The law, named after detransitioner Chloe Cole, went into effect on July 1. As a minor, Cole had surgery to try to appear more like a boy, including having her breasts removed, and a few years later, detransitioned back to identifying as her actual sex. The law prohibits doctors from prescribing experimental “gender-affirming care” for minors, specifically banning so-called puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries that remove healthy breasts or sex organs.

The Wyoming Medical Society—of which Cubin is a member—opposed Chloe’s Law in 2023 and again in 2024, according to the radiologist.

Cubin reached out to the society, urging the organization not to misrepresent him and other doctors in the state who may support the law. He urged the group to be neutral, but the group did not respond to him.

On Feb. 28, he sent an email to every member of the Wyoming Legislature, notifying them that the Wyoming Medical Society did not represent all of its members in opposing the law and urging the legislators to pass it.

In April, Gordon announced that he would remove Cubin from the board. Even though Gordon ultimately signed Chloe’s Law, he claimed Cubin’s letter cast doubt on the radiologist’s neutrality.

Cubin sued, and in his lawsuit he states that previous members of the state board testified before the Wyoming Legislature, without receiving “similar retribution.”

The lawsuit notes that Rene Hinkle, then a board member, testified before the Wyoming Legislature against giving lifesaving care to infants born alive after botched abortions, and Gordon reappointed her to the board of medicine afterward.

Buck Dougherty, senior counsel at the law firm representing Cubin, the Liberty Justice Center, also joined “The Daily Signal Podcast.” He noted that on Nov. 8, a judge will consider Cubin’s motion asking the court to give him his job back.

Listen to the podcast below.