Watch Our Google+ Hangout Analyzing the Final Presidential Debate

Todd Thurman /

Tonight’s final showdown between President Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney will focus on foreign policy. Heritage has lined up a panel of experts to offer their thoughts on the debate and answer your questions Tuesday at 10 a.m. ET for a live Google+ Hangout.

Here’s a brief bio for each of the panelists for tomorrow’s Hangout:

Luke Coffey
Margaret Thatcher Fellow
Coffey studies and writes on U.S.-UK relations as the Margaret Thatcher Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. He focuses in particular on defense and security matters, including the role of NATO and the European Union in transatlantic security. 

Morgan Lorraine Roach
Research Associate
Roach studies and writes about Africa, the Middle East and transatlantic relations as research associate in The Heritage Foundation’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom. 

Jessica Zuckerman
Research Associate
Zuckerman studies homeland security, with a concentration on Latin America, as a research associate in The Heritage Foundation’s Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies.

If you would like to participate, you can leave a question in the comments below, write a question on our Google+ page, or tweet us a question using the hashtag #HeritageFan.

We hope you can join us Tuesday at 10 a.m. ET for our analysis of the final presidential debate.