44 Signs and Chalk Messages Tell It All at GW’s Pro-Palestine Encampment

Virginia Allen /

Pro-Palestine protests continued Monday at George Washington University in the nation’s capital after erupting Thursday, over six months after Hamas terrorists crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip on Oct. 7 and slaughtered 1,200 people.

Homemade signs opposing Israel and implicitly supporting the terrorist organization that rules Gaza could be seen across GW’s University Yard and along its perimeter. Chalk drawings and messages have been left on the street and on the steps to buildings across from the pro-Palestine encampment.

GW issued a statement early Monday telling students and the surrounding urban D.C. community:

We remain committed to implementing the safest resolution possible and have arranged for additional security resources to respond appropriately to this escalation. MPD [Metropolitan Police Department] remains on the scene and is monitoring the situation. Despite the ongoing disturbance on University Yard, GW is open and operating with enhanced safety measures. We will release additional details as the situation evolves.

Most of the messages seen at George Washington University refer to Palestine and Palestinians, referring to the residents of Gaza, who elected Hamas to govern them. Many Palestinians are being killed or wounded as Israel Defense Forces seek to root out and eradicate Hamas, which uses civilians as shields, in the wake of the terrorist attacks.

Here are photos of 44 signs and chalk messages seen during the day at GW’s pro-Palestine encampment:

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