Cloakroom: July 16 – July 20

Josh Robbins /

House Cloakroom

Analysis: This week the House will turn its attention to defense funding. The major bill on the floor this week will be the Defense appropriations bill, which provides the funding for the nation’s military. Additionally, the House will take up a bill to establish strict transparency requirements for the Obama Administration’s process of implementing the sequestration cuts. The debate over these measures will likely focus on the devastating effects the defense sequestration cuts will have on the military.

Major Floor Action:

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Senate Cloakroom

Analysis: This week the Senate will debate a bill meant to restrict political contributions through disclosure requirements. The Disclose Act would require private entities to publicly release all of their political contributions. After the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case declaring on restrictions on the political speech of groups unconstitutional, some in Congress have pushed this type of legislation to limit their political contributions, and thus speech, in other ways. For more on the problems with this legislation, read Heritage analyst Hans von Spakovsky’s take here.

Major Floor Action:

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