Cloakroom: Full Repeal Edition

Josh Robbins /

House Cloakroom: July 9 – July 13

Analysis: This week the House will take up full repeal of Obamacare. The Supreme Court allowed the law to stand, placing the responsibility on Congress to repeal this massive government takeover of the health care system. The full repeal vote will take place on Wednesday, July 11. The past two years have demonstrated this law to be a disaster. From mandates that violate religious freedom to onerous taxes, Obamacare is wrong for the country. This Wednesday, the House will once again attempt to stop this law.

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Senate Cloakroom: July 9 – July 13

Analysis: This week the Senate is set to move to the Increased Payroll Tax Credit and Bonus Depreciation Bill. They will vote to move to this bill on Tuesday afternoon, but there is potential that Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) could bring up other legislation that is not yet announced.

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