September 11th is a day to remember. Actor Chris Pratt also says it is a day to thank a veteran.

Pratt posted a video to Facebook on Friday asking people to post a video to their social accounts in which they thank a veteran.

“In the face of unexpected violence, most of us freeze,” Pratt posted to Facebook. “We crumble. We pray. We cry. But a select few stand up, join up and take the fight to the enemy, in the name of justice.”

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He continued:

“This September 11th I am doing something I invite all of you to do as well. I’m posting a video to #ThankAVeteran.”

Pratt thanked veteran Mike Day, a former Navy SEAL that survived an Iraqi raid in which he was shot 27 times and suffered a brain injury. Later this year, Day is competing in the Kona Ironman Championships to raise money for traumatic brain injury therapy at the Carrick Brain Center located in Dallas, Texas.

My life’s mission now [is] not about me,” Day wrote on his Crowdrise fundraising page. “Rather, it is to care for and lead my wounded brothers and sisters.”

Pratt is donating to the fundraiser Day has set up to help treat wounded veterans and is encouraging others to do the same.

“No matter where you land politically in terms of our [country’s] involvement in foreign affairs, or the two wars we’ve been in post 9/11, there is no doubting the courage and valor men like Mike Day have shown,” Pratt posted.

“In America we may have our opinions, we don’t always agree and our voices are loud. But 14 years ago we were reminded that deep down we are not divided, we are united and strong. We’ve got each other’s backs, despite our differences and will continue to as we move forward.”

Within hours, Pratt’s video had over 1.3 million views on Facebook as well as over 80,000 shares of the post.

Social media users followed Pratt’s lead and hashtagged #ThankAVeteran to social media. Here are some of the responses.

#thankaveteran Staff Sgt. Eddie Frieling. A video posted by Robert. (@elvisknight86) on

Chris Pratt came up with an idea to recognize 9/11 and its veterans today by posting a picture or video and tagging it #thankaveteran so…. On this day in 2001 I was nothing more then a seven year old kid, I don’t remember much about that day, what exactly happened, why everyone was crying, and even as I was watching it I questioned what it meant. I didn’t understand why it was such a big deal or how it was a day of importance to America, I was a kid. Growing up you obviously learn about the importance of this tragedy, I don’t personally know anyone who was there or who lost someone close to them because of what happened but ever since learning about what actually happened and how we as Americans United, this day has always meant something. To the people who were innocent and just going about their normal routine when they were suddenly approached with the worst nightmare imaginable… People risking their lives to save complete strangers, even if that meant costing them their own life… People watching upfront feeling the fear, the panic, the mayhem, the suffering of so many lives… People at home praying and crying as the story unfolds before them, not knowing if loved ones are safe, wondering if things will ever be considered “safe” again… The workers who stayed to go through the after mess, helping to continuously find people and bring some type of light to the situation… The survivors who know that terror, that loneliness, and that feeling of actually losing all hope… To the families who raised such strong and brave individuals you helped give us a chance at surviving, the people who came together that day we put all our dislikes about other people aside and came together as one, and the Americans who still feel it in their heart today… We will Never Forget… #thankaveteran A photo posted by Simone Knighten (@simone_2330) on

“Thank you Chris Pratt for being the white light in the darkness that can be Hollywood,” Danae Morris commented to Facebook.

“We took a veteran out for dinner in memory of my father! My father was not a soldier but always taught us to respect and honor what our soldiers have done for us in the past and in the present. #ThankAVeteran,” Alex Emblen also commented on Pratt’s Facebook post.

“As a veteran myself, I really appreciate the effort you put into recognizing the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform,” Jesse Poores Jr. commented. “ It really is a breath of fresh air for someone with your notoriety to give a shout out to the troops.”

We would like to remember 911 by thanking this soldier. His work at Stay In Step Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Center. is nothing short of amazing! #ThankAVeteran Chris Pratt

Posted by Black Dagger Military Hunt Club Inc on Friday, September 11, 2015