AUSTIN, Texas—Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says the federal government has no business regulating the issue of marriage.

“In the United States Constitution and the amendments there are more than 7,500 words,” Abbott explains to The Daily Signal. “Not a single one of them mentions the word marriage or gives the federal government authority to regulate marriage. Instead, it has always been left to the states under the 10th Amendment.”

>>>For more on this, see Ryan T. Anderson’s new book, “The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom.”

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Abbott is not shy about his Christian faith. Ever since the Supreme Court decided to rule on the constitutionality of gay marriage, the Texas governor has been outspoken in his disagreement.

In the days after the ruling, he sent a memo directed to department leaders, which stated in part that, “individuals doing business with the state cannot be discriminated against because of their religious beliefs.” Liberal groups complained that he was leaving the door open to discrimination against same-sex couples. But Abbott believes cases like the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision, which reaffirmed the religious liberty rights of Christian business owners, make it clear that religious liberty must be protected at all costs.

“Regardless of whatever this decision was concerning marriage, religious liberties are mandated to be protected by the First Amendment. There are a lot of cases that have already dealt with this issue in other arenas where a person’s religious liberty, whether it be a pastor or an individual or a business gets protected so long as there are reasonable accommodations that are made.”