Pro-life supporters took to Twitter on Wednesday to reveal their personal stories regarding adoption, pregnancy and choosing life.
Playing off of the name “Planned Parenthood,” the social media hashtag #UnplannedParenthood is filled with many people sharing their stories of deciding against abortion, even in the midst of difficult times, and celebrating that decision years later.
I was 22. She was 19. Neither of us ready to be parents. But we got ready. Fast. And got Blessed. Abundantly. #UnplannedParenthood
— P Henry Martin (@PHenryMartin) July 29, 2015
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Me and my mom when she was 16. She chose life against other “advice” #unplannedparenthood
— Mrs Seel (@littleflowr) July 29, 2015
We were 14 and scared but we did it and we stayed together. 25 years later, married, 6 kids,2 grandkids! #blessed #UnplannedParenthood — Annette Martinez (@annettenart) July 29, 2015
Was told 5 month old boy in GA, I never knew existed, was my son-a few weeks before I deployed. #unplannedparenthood — Johnny (Joey) Jones (@Johnny_Joey) July 29, 2015
My parents weren’t married & were substance abusers when they found out about me. They chose me over an easy life. #UnplannedParenthood — Baylee Young (@bayleestarrlyn) July 29, 2015
i was 16. they said she would “ruin my life” she made it worth living. she saved me. #UnplannedParenthood — ?omaholic² (@mastermatriarch) July 29, 2015
As a child who was adopted by my awesome parents, I’m loving this: #UnplannedParenthood. Life is not a mistake.
— Sarah Rumpf (@rumpfshaker) July 29, 2015
#UnplannedParenthood Had a mountain of debt. We could’ve made “the other choice,” but we said no. She just turned 4. — Cardkillah (@Cardkillah) July 29, 2015
Had my oldest at 20, ex-husband wanted me to abort. Raised him alone for 8 years, flat broke. Would 100% do it again. #UnPlannedParenthood — Denise Russell (@DRussell76) July 29, 2015
#UnplannedParenthood at 21 I got pregnant after only seeing my now husband for a week. He’s our whole world <3 — Liz Kari (@LizKari55374) July 29, 2015
#UnplannedParenthood is a blessing. My blessing just turned 19 on Sunday. Best son ever. — TheRealTerri (@CantBelieve10) July 29, 2015
#UnplannedParenthood is why I left law school. Best decision ever! — LLMajer (@LLMajer) July 29, 2015
I can’t read the #UnPlannedParenthood posts without weeping. This is why abortion must be abolished: there should be 57 million more stories — Charles E. Holsworth (@CeHolsworth) July 29, 2015
One of my favorites. Deaf and has Down’s. Glad his parents chose life, he brightens mine. #UnplannedParenthood — E. (@deaf_erin) July 29, 2015
Twitter shows me the worst of humanity on display regularly. It’s disheartening. But then Twitter shows me #UnplannedParenthood. Amazing. — Dougiefresh (@Thefoulfellow) July 29, 2015