The Center for Medical Progress unveiled another covertly filmed video that exposes a Planned Parenthood executive negotiating the price of aborted fetal body parts.

Social media has been erupting with responses from both sides of the aisle since the release of the video. Common hashtags surrounding the scandal include #DefundPlannedParenthood, #PPSellsBabyParts, #SketchySource and #StandwithPP.

Among those weighing in are activists like Lila Rose, president of Live Action. Rose tweeted that the issue should not be partisan and asked where humanity has gone:

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Rose isn’t the only one outspoken about the scandal. Others have been outraged by the recent videos as well:

Despite this, Planned Parenthood maintains a loyal base of supporters. Some have tweeted support for the organization, noting the “judgment free” care received and that the organization provides services to those without health insurance.

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood and other sources have rejected the credibility of these videos, calling the producers “extremists.” Some of the responses have used the hashtag #SketchySource:

However, the hashtag #SketchySource has also been claimed by the other side to call out Planned Parenthood:

Planned Parenthood has advocated on social media for politicians to continue financially supporting it:

Just last year, Planned Parenthood received more than $500 million in taxpayer funding, sparking a congressional debate playing out in Washington this week. In response to the videos, more than 100,000 people have signed a petition to defund Planned Parenthood.