Following allegations that Planned Parenthood is selling aborted fetal body parts for profit, black pro-life leaders are calling to defund the organization and address what they call “targeting” of their community.
“It’s an open secret that they are targeting the black community, that they have located their facilities within a two-mile walking radius of a black or Latino neighborhood…and they are coming after black women,” Catherine Davis of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition told The Daily Signal while gathering with other pro-life leaders in Alexandria, Va.
To hear that this organization is allowed by our government to do that kind of targeting is very disturbing to me. I call it today’s 21st Century Jim Crow.
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Davis, a longtime critic of Planned Parenthood, said the only difference between Planned Parenthood and Jim Crow is that “we can’t see” the targeting because it occurs inside abortion clinics.
In light of the recent videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, which have sparked multiple investigations, Davis is calling on Congress to defund Planned Parenthood.
“If they don’t defund Planned Parenthood after this, then shame on us. Shame on America, shame on every black person in this nation, every white person, every Latino person, that we would openly allow an organization that targets people based on their color of their skin to continue operating and harvesting the body parts of the unborn.”
The sale or purchase of human body parts is illegal in the United States, including the sale or purchase of human fetal tissue, which is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
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Planned Parenthood says the videos are a “smear campaign” and said the allegation that they profit in any way from tissue donation “is not true.”
“Our donation programs—like any other high-quality health care providers—follow all laws and ethical guidelines,” said Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Lori Hoye, another pro-life leader in the black community, doesn’t buy that explanation.
“The video just kind of confirms what you already knew,” Hoye said.
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Hoye works for the Issues for Life Foundation, which seeks to “end abortion by raising awareness of the impact of abortion and the biblically immoral implementation of unethical biotechnology in the Black American community.” She told The Daily Signal that Planned Parenthood is “not upfront” and “not honest” about its abortion practices.
An even bigger issue, she says, is the number of black women impacted by abortion.
“In the black community, one out of two women over the age of 40 have been impacted by abortion,” she said. “They’ve had an abortion or they know the woman that’s had an abortion.”
New York City, Hoye said, “is a prime example” of this.
In 2012, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Office of Vital Statistics, found that there were more black babies killed by abortions (31,328) than there were born (24,758).
That number accounted for almost half of all abortions in the city.
“Our people are in deficit mode,” she said. “We’re losing more babies than are actually born.”