
The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the Obama administration Thursday in a 6-3 ruling that upholds the federal subsidies awarded under Obamacare. That led President Obama to boast that “The Affordable Care Act is here to stay.”

But what’s the long-term prognosis? Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint had this to say after the court’s ruling:

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It’s a clear-cut case of the Supreme Court being willing to bend the law backwards to preserve Washington’s involvement in the insurance market and marks the second time in three years the Roberts Court has creatively rewritten history to preserve President Obama’s signature legislative achievement. As Justice Scalia derisively noted: “We should start calling this law SCOTUScare.”

It would have been heartening to see the court acknowledge the administration’s lawless behavior, but nothing has changed in the long run. Even if the court had applied the clear meaning of the law and declared the administration’s subsidies illegal, it still would fall to Congress to repeal Obamacare. This decision has redoubled that responsibility.

The only thorough dismantling of Obamacare can come legislatively. If, as the Supreme Court majority stated, “in every case we must respect the role of the legislature,” then today’s ruling serves as a signal to every senator and representative who wants to give Americans cheaper health care with more options and less bureaucracy: It’s up to you now.