A parody movie about a plan to kill North Korea dictator Kim Jong Un has gained more publicity than it bargained for—so much so that Sony canceled the movie’s release.
After threats of terror attacks in theaters and ongoing cybersecurity problems for Sony, theaters began pulling the film. After Sony made the announcement to halt the release, Twitter went wild with reaction—from celebrities, politicians and more.
Here are some of the best tweets from the ongoing frenzy:
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Dear Sony Hackers: now that u run Hollywood, I'd also like less romantic comedies, fewer Michael Bay movies and no more Transformers.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 17, 2014
Everyone who went to the premiere of "The Interview" needs to start recounting every detail, so it can be passed down via oral tradition.
— Chris Willman (@ChrisWillman) December 18, 2014
One theater thumbing its nose at NKorea – playing Team America after Sony pulls The Interview. http://t.co/YE9ZzP9ko4 pic.twitter.com/9nC3r8z6Uz
— Good Morning America (@GMA) December 18, 2014
Missed in Sony troubles over #TheInterview Obama administration took eye off ball on North Korea years ago-surprised Kim Jung Un aggressive?
— James Jay Carafano (@JJCarafano) December 18, 2014
I propose that since @sony canceled @theinterview for Christmas, we should bring Team America to theaters or watch at home in mass protest.
— Derek Khanna (@DerekKhanna) December 18, 2014
Saw @Sethrogen at JFK. Both of us have never seen or heard of anything like this. Hollywood has done Neville Chamberlain proud today.
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) December 17, 2014
Capitalism is still alive! MT @AlexCKaufman: Movie posters for "The Interview" going for $550 http://t.co/8SjhCDw0rn http://t.co/zNgisfS5kW
— Kevin Negandhi (@KevinNegandhi) December 18, 2014
Our cyber attack on Sony is pretty impressive when you consider the most advanced computer in our country is an Atari.
— Kim Jong-un (@_Kim_Jongun) December 17, 2014
The media should recognise its own role in The Interview being withdrawn. The way they reported the detail of the emails was disgraceful.
— Mark Thompson (@MarkReckons) December 18, 2014
When #TheInterview died, @jamesfrancotv celebrated #Hanukkah with @ladygaga and this rock star: http://t.co/MFFLLUsdTT
— MTV NEWS (@MTVNEWS) December 18, 2014
Men are upset about The Interview, women are like welcome to the party, the world is horribly unfair. Smile, you look pretty when you smile.
— Hailey Boyle (@HaileyButter) December 18, 2014
Sony's decision to pull THE INTERVIEW is unsettling in so many ways. Good thing they didn't publish THE SATANIC VERSES.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 18, 2014
No one should kid themselves. With the Sony collapse America has lost its first cyberwar. This is a very very dangerous precedent.
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) December 17, 2014
.@SonyPictures don’t cave, fight: release @TheInterview free online globally. Ask viewers for voluntary $5 contribution to fight #Ebola.
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) December 18, 2014
"You can't see 'The Interview,' but I did' http://t.co/KHRjEtZyIC
— TIME (@TIME) December 18, 2014
"Hollywood caved to a fascist dictator. It's as simple as that." @TuckerCarlson blasts Sony for scraping 'The Interview" b/c of N. Korea
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) December 18, 2014
'Lawyers ruin everything.' Was Sony's cancellation of 'The Interview' the smart legal move? http://t.co/E6xYGPAgTQ
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) December 18, 2014
The Interview has been pulled from release?!? Why would @Sony give in to spineless hackers? The must know something we don't.
— Maïa Dunphy (@MaiaDunphy) December 18, 2014
North Korea seems to be active cyber aggressor nation already today. Imaging a real conflict. http://t.co/4rMiXYCKAC
— Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) December 18, 2014
If it was Reagan, he'd make sure Sony released The Interview and he'd attend the premiere front and center.
— Philip Schuyler (@FiveRights) December 18, 2014
No release of "The Interview" at all; no streaming, DVD, Blu-Ray. Like it never happened. Why would anyone ever make a movie for them again?
— Patterico (@Patterico) December 18, 2014
The Interview should get an Oscar in the new category, Most Censored
— Ryan Calo (@rcalo) December 18, 2014
What do I think about The Interview? pic.twitter.com/Zmg04oaJNq
— Kyle Maddock (@kylemaddock) December 18, 2014
So I guess we bow down to threats now, after #Hollywood canceled The Interview premier & showings. #smh
— Deplorable for 45 & 47 (@DianaMGallo) December 18, 2014