If you caught President Obama’s immigration speech last night or have scanned the conversation on Twitter today, you might have read some congratulatory remarks as well as some sarcastic tweets. We compiled a few below.
.@AP says there were “notable omissions” in @BarackObama’s #immigration speech last night. Read their #FactCheck here-http://t.co/16SZDs27Tg
— Diane Black (@RepDianeBlack) November 21, 2014
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This will be one helluva litmus test for #GOP presidential contenders in a primary: “Do you sir/ma’am undo the exec action on day 1?”
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) November 21, 2014
If the @NRA really wants to troll Obama, it should congratulate the 5 million people now on the path to legal firearm ownership in the U.S. — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 21, 2014
Reminder: the Democrats had control of the House, Senate, and White House and did not pass immigration reform. — Ryan J. Croft (@RyanJCroft) November 21, 2014
When I said there wasn’t much POTUS could do with just a pen and a phone, I was thinking of legal actions. Silly me. — Brit Hume (@brithume) November 21, 2014
Important 1st step by @BarackObama and more must be done – time for the House to act #immigrationaction
— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) November 21, 2014
Want to know how liberals plan to govern without ever controlling Congress again? Tonight is your answer: executive fiat. — Conn Carroll (@conncarroll) November 21, 2014
#priorities pic.twitter.com/drWCUWrFea
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) November 20, 2014
Pres Obama is ignoring the will of the people who voted against his policies just a couple of weeks ago: http://t.co/PzzjKfwL71 #Immigration — Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) November 19, 2014
A pretty good day for the DREAMers who forced the issue by heckling Obama at speeches. And they got paid way less than lobbyists.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) November 21, 2014
Obama depending on the American people to rally around the idea of compassion, never mind the law #ImmigrationAction pic.twitter.com/4zoqlsYJqH — Jenn Jacques (@JennJacques) November 21, 2014
Every other country punishes illegal immigration, now thanks to Obama, America is rewarding it. #ImmigrationAction pic.twitter.com/1wITpf3FR9 — C (@chelsea_elisa) November 21, 2014
America is a nation of immigrants, NOT illegal immigrants. #ImmigrationAction — Dean Michaels (@quixxdraw) November 21, 2014
Obama is a sovereign leader, he calls out Congress to pass a bill, when he isn’t even giving them an opportunity. #ImmigrationAction — Drew Curtis (@D_C_3) November 21, 2014
Obama’s idea of debate is getting on tv and talking at us. If he was listening, he never would have made this speech. #ImmigrationAction — Jerry (@rightinillinois) November 21, 2014
Note that if Congress took #ImmigrationAction the President would not even consider doing what he outlined tonight. — Ayana Fakhir (@lawgurrl) November 21, 2014
Proud to have a president that chose to take action on a issue that is long overdue #ImmigrationAction — Marisol Regalado (@MarisolRegalado) November 21, 2014
#ImmigrationAction You sound like a hypocrite, talking @ not breaking the law & then rewarding those who did. & leave emotions out of it! — dara parker (@tenegirl) November 21, 2014
#ImmigrationAction Does anyone really believe illegals will turn themselves in, pay a fine, pay taxes & go to back of line? What changed? — Darwin H.M. (@Darwin_Darko) November 21, 2014
My French permanent resident husband just asked “So, do I still have to apply for citizenship?”…#ImmigrationAction — laurakfillault (@laurakfillault) November 21, 2014
I think about my student. An all A student, who wanted to be a teacher but couldn’t. She’s a “dreamer” right now. This is huge #immigration — Rafranz Davis (@RafranzDavis) November 21, 2014
A near majority of #Americans disapprove of #ExecutiveAction on #Immigration & want legislative action 2 b solution pic.twitter.com/2LJdUnY6Wm — Steven G. Cruz (@StevenCruz) November 21, 2014
Sorry, @BarackObama, but if shielding millions from deportation is “not amnesty” then what is it? #ImmigrationAction — Chris (@ChristianNoboa) November 21, 2014
We are a country of immigrants – to be sure. But most, like me, arrived here legally. #ImmigrationAction — Rai Rojas (@rairojasii) November 21, 2014
How is it going to be confirmed someone has been in the country 5 years if they lived in the shadows? #ObamaAmnesty #ImmigrationAction — Tim Knight (@Scruluse) November 21, 2014
A person without “proper papers” remains a child of God, deserving dignity and respect. #ImmigrationReform #Immigration — Archbishop Gomez (@ArchbishopGomez) November 21, 2014
The first date at the table next to ours is turning into an angry debate about #immigration and #obama — Bill Murphy Jr. (@BillMurphyJr) November 21, 2014
Last night Obama redefined the American dream. Come out of the shadows and become #fruitpickers #Bedmakers — Legal Fruit Picker (@PuttyBudd) November 21, 2014
I’m pro- #immigration #reform, but I’m anti- unconstitutional, unilateral, executive #amnesty. — Captain Kudzu (@captainkudzu) November 21, 2014