With less than two weeks until the government takeover of health care, Americans across the country are standing up and speaking out against Obamacare. A growing number of lawmakers in Congress are paying attention and vowing to stop the unfair, unaffordable and unworkable law.

Representative Tom Graves (R-GA) introduced a bill last week that guarantees funding for the government while fully defunding Obamacare until 2015. Seventy of his colleagues signed on, and he’s hoping the momentum continues.

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You can get the inside scoop from Graves at noon ET Wednesday. Graves will explain why he’s leading the fight to defund Obamacare in the House, and how his bill can defund Obamacare without a government shutdown.

Graves will be joined by Dr. Tim Shepherd, a family doctor in Lewisville, Texas who supports defunding. Alye Senger, a research associate in Heritage’s Center for Health Policy Studies, will also be on hand for the conversation.

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