If you find yourself in New York City’s Times Square this week, look up. That’s where, all month, you’ll see Heritage’s six-story warning about Obamacare.

“Warning: Obamacare may be hazardous to your health,” it reads, placed where 1.5 million people can see it every day.

But more than your health is at risk. Fox News’s Eric Bolling called the billboard a “crystal ball” in this segment of Fox Business Channel’s “Cashin’ In.” That is because the examples of Obamacare’s hazards are piling up: Universal Orlando, Sea World, and Trader Joe’s are just some of the employers cutting hours for part-time workers so they can stay beneath the 30-hour threshold Obamacare imposes for health care coverage.

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“What’s it going to take for the folks in D.C. to wake up and realize this warning sign has become a reality: Obamacare is a hazard for all hard-working Americans,” Bolling says. Americans get it: Two new polls over the weekend from NBC News/Wall Street Journal and USA Today/Pew Research Center show the law is still unpopular with large numbers of Americans.

Heritage’s answer is to defund it now. The crystal ball says it could get a lot worse.