Is it that time again already??
It’s not even August, and Members of Congress are starting to buzz about the upcoming budget and debt ceiling fight—which likely won’t happen until later this fall. But the posturing has begun, and the media are happy to oblige.
The thing is, a government shutdown isn’t necessary—and lawmakers aren’t proposing a government shutdown.
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What some are proposing is that Congress fund normal government activities, but refuse to fund Obamacare. The upcoming budget legislation, called a continuing resolution, is a decision point for Obamacare funding.
“Under no circumstances will I vote for a continuing resolution that funds even one single penny of Obamacare,” says Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). He and fellow Senators Mike Lee (R-UT), and Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Rand Paul (R-KY) are urging their colleagues to do the same.
>>> VIDEO: Cruz, Lee, and Rubio Make the Case for Defunding Obamacare
Heritage health care expert Chris Jacobs says that defunding is the best option to protect vulnerable Americans hit by Obamacare’s threats:
The list of Obamacare’s failures grows by the day. It is not that portions of the law are unworkable—the entire law is unworkable. Absent the law’s complete repeal, only full defunding would ensure that the American people are not subjected to any of these destructive policies.
What the shutdown fearmongers are talking about is Congress reaching a budget impasse—which could happen for a variety of reasons, including disagreement over Obamacare funding. If Congress doesn’t pass legislation to continue funding the government, then when the previous funding expires, it “shuts down.”
“Shutdown” actually sounds more dire than it is. The government services that shut down are the non-essential ones. As Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said at Heritage’s Bloggers Briefing yesterday, this is what happens…every weekend. Have you ever tried to call the Department of Agriculture on a Saturday?
A “shutdown” would temporarily impair some government activities, but deficit spending, growing debt, and the burden of Obamacare will harm the economy and Americans’ opportunities and income permanently.
The next logical step? Don’t feed the beast. Don’t invest more dollars into implementing, enforcing, or creating the architecture of Obamacare.
Defunding Obamacare: The Next Best Option
Read the Morning Bell and more en español every day at Heritage Libertad.
Quick Hits:
- Check out The Heritage Foundation’s first post on BuzzFeed.
- Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) added his voice to a growing number of lawmakers seeking to defund Obamacare.
- Let’s hear more economic sense like this from the President.
- Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) knocks House Republicans for “symbolic” votes on Obamacare.
- Which two states are seeing higher costs under Obamacare?
- When President Obama starts talking about “grand bargains,” it means something else.