Recently, prominent Democrats and a union leader have publicly revealed their concerns about Obamacare. At a hearing yesterday, author and supporter of Obamacare, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D–MT), revealed his unease about the law’s confusing implementation to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who is in charge of implementation. He stated:
I am very concerned that not enough is being done so far—very concerned. When I’m home, small businesses have no idea what to do, what to expect, they don’t know what affordability rules are, they don’t know what penalties may apply…
A lot of people have no idea about all of this.… I just see a huge train wreck coming down, and you and I have discussed this many times and I don’t see any results yet. (Emphasis added.)
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Another Obamacare proponent, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D–WV), recently stated, “I am of the belief that the ACA is probably the most complex piece of legislation ever passed by the United States Congress.… [I]t’s just beyond comprehension.”
In addition to implementation and complexity concerns, a labor union that initially supported the health care law and still supports the President has revoked its endorsement of Obamacare due to its impact on their health plan.
The president of the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers International, Kinsey M. Robinson, publicly called for “repeal or complete reform of the Affordable Care Act to protect our employers, our industry, and our most important asset: our members and their families.” The Union’s public statement explains:
[O]ur concerns over certain provisions in the ACA have not been addressed, or in some instances, totally ignored. In the rush to achieve its passage, many of the Act’s provisions were not fully conceived, resulting in unintended consequences that are inconsistent with the promise that those who were satisfied with their employer sponsored coverage could keep it.
With full implementation right around the corner, it is likely there will be more Obamacare defectors as people become increasingly aware of its devastating consequences.