Waxman Markey Cap and Trade’s Biggest Losers: Wood Products

Nicolas Loris /

One of the advantages of The Heritage Foundation’s economic analysis of the Waxman-Markey climate change bill is we can determine out who loses most of all the losers. We’ve detailed the negative impacts cap and trade would have on farmers, manufacturers and construction workers. This time, it’s the wood product industry.

Wood products encompasses everything from logging, sawmills and planning mills, manufacturing veneer and plywood, treating wood products, building wood and mobile homes, building wood containers and pallets, etc. Simply put, it’s everything dealing with wood, and Waxman-Markey hits the industry hard. Wood product employment falls by over 23,000 on average (2012-2035) due to Waxman-Markey climate change legislation. By 2035, cap and trade would reduce the industry by 68,573 people.
