Waxman Markey Cap and Trade’s Biggest Losers: Electrical Equipment & Appliances

Nicolas Loris /


Household appliances use a lot of energy, which is why for the past several years policymakers have tried to mandate energy efficient standards on washing machines, refrigerators and other products. Energy efficiency can be beneficial for consumers, but rarely when the government tries to force it on the public. Energy-efficient appliances and mechanisms will not painlessly lower electricity bills. These measures also impose costs, and consumers benefit only if the energy savings outweigh the costs. For one thing, mandatory improvements in efficiency usually raise the purchase price of appliances; sometimes the increase is more than enough to negate the energy savings. In addition, the forced reduction in energy use can come at the expense of reduced product performance, features, or reliability. There’s also the problem that many of these “green products” are making false claims.

Now Washington is using a new tactic to pick on the electrical equipment and appliance industry: cap and trade. But this time they’re going straight to the industry workers. Not only do these products use a lot of energy, but they take a lot of energy to make.
