New Research: Seniors and Taxpayers Can Gain from Medicare Reforms

Margot Crouch /

The big three entitlement programs—Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security—promise to increase federal spending to unprecedented and unaffordable levels in coming years. Medicare in particular represents trillions in unfunded obligations, and only bold reforms can restore long-term sustainability to the program. In his recently released budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R–WI) takes on Medicare’s future insolvency through a proposal to change the program to a premium support model.

Since its release, Ryan’s approach has received much criticism. But the fact is that nothing short of a complete transformation can ensure that Medicare will exist for future generations of seniors. In breaking research, Heritage’s Bob Moffit and Kathryn Nix lay out the facts about premium support and how it would benefit both future seniors and taxpayers. (more…)