Jimmy Carter’s Ill-Timed Visit to Cuba

Ray Walser /

The Castro regime in Cuba currently has three key objectives: The first is to manage its present economic crisis. The second is to protect the stability and longevity of the revolution’s senior leadership as it succumbs to the infirmities of age, cumulated policy failures, corruption, and growing dissent. Finally, the regime aims to insulate the island and the Cuban Revolution from the winds of democratic/popular change that are blowing so strong in the Middle East and elsewhere.

To advance all three objectives, the Cuban regime extended an invitation to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter to visit Cuba, an invitation the former President unwisely accepted.

In Cuba between March 28 and 30, Carter will be lectured on the merits of Cuba’s march to “market socialism.” He will likely find these steps to be positive and criticize the U.S. for failing to respond with the removal of travel and trade restrictions. (more…)