Tea Party 101: Prepare for Tax Day

Rory Cooper /

Tomorrow, thousands of Americans across the country will organize on Tax Day to protest the tax, borrow, spend and bailout policies of Washington. Whether large or small, these demonstrations will all have one message in common: Enough! Over the past three months, Americans have seen an already out-of-control government spend their borrowed dollars as if a trillion dollars is a drop in the bucket.

After the bailouts that put the White House at the head of a number of major corporations; after a stimulus bill that the Congressional Budget Office said would lower our nation’s GDP at the cost of a trillion dollars, rebuild the welfare state and create few if any jobs; after an omnibus spending bill which combined with the stimulus bill raised discretionary spending nearly 80%; and now with a budget that increases spending by another trillion dollars, doubles our debt and plans an Energy tax that will hurt every American household; Americans are saying: Enough!

The President’s War on the American Dream doesn’t end there. After expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to include wealthy adults; after making a significant down payment on a government controlled national health care plan; after attempting to pass legislation that would take the secret ballot away from workers, that would allow bankruptcy judges to renegotiate your neighbor’s mortgage capital and interest at your expense, that would allow the U.S. Government to set wage and labor controls for every small business in America, Americans are saying: Enough!

So if you want to join your fellow Americans in a grassroots effort that started with nothing more than a few concerned citizens and a rallying cry, we have the information below for you to find them. As Fox News put it: “Conservatives may be catching up with their liberal counterparts in building a Web-driven, grassroots campaign to push their agenda.”
