House and Senate Cloakroom: January 24-28, 2011

Maggie Piggott /

Analysis provided by Heritage Action for America

House Cloakroom Report: January 24-28


After a week in the House that saw Obamacare repealed, the House will move in to a week heavily focused on spending, further organization of committees, and a slew of hearings on healthcare, the economy, stalled trade agreements, and the oil spill commission report. On Monday afternoon, the House will reconvene with votes scheduled for the evening. On Tuesday, hearings will dominate most of the day with votes on H.Res 38 which would be a resolution reducing non-security spending to fiscal year 2008 levels or less followed by the President’s State of the Union Address that evening at 8:35 pm Eastern. On Wednesday, the House will consider a bill to reduce federal spending and the deficit by terminating taxpayer financing of presidential election campaigns and party conventions, thus reducing mandatory spending $520 million according to CBO estimates from last year. Spending cuts, economic recovery, and healthcare will drive the conversation for the week.

Major Floor Action:

Major Committee Action: