Mystery Missile Monday—One Day It Won’t Be Nothin’

James Carafano /

The Internet went apoplectic speculating on the “mystery missile” spotted Monday off the coast of California. The military concluded Wednesday that the long “contrail,” the wisp of white vapors in the sky taped by a CBS affiliate crew most likely came from a passing jet—not a missile firing. False alarm. The news that did not make the news is that under a different scenario the streak across the horizon could have been a missile. If it were, the online world would not be buzzing about it days later—because America’s days online would have ended.

One of the most devastating and yet realistic means to deliver a knock out blow to the United States is to covertly fire a nuclear-tipped missile at America from a surface craft off the coast of the country. This is often called the “scud-in-a-bucket” scenario. (more…)