‘Huffing And Puffing’ Till We Blow Business Down

Gerrit Lansing /

The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday:

“… FedEx may cancel plans to buy as many as 30 new Boeing planes should Congress pass a bill that would remove truck drivers, couriers and other employees at FedEx’s Express unit from the jurisdiction of the federal Railway Labor Act of 1926, the law which today also governs labor organizing at U.S. airlines…

“It is exceedingly unlikely that we would purchase those airplanes” should Congress change the law, said FedEx spokesman Maury Lane. The legislation could cripple the company and eliminate the need for the extra planes, Mr. Lane said.

Read that again. “The legislation could cripple the company and eliminate the need for the extra planes.” Boeing, and manufacturers of major products like it, drive the American economy to a great degree.  Just look at this piece from a few pages later for proof: (more…)