The Back Door Amnesty Reality

Jessica Zuckerman /

A recent article by Fox News led with a quote from the Department of Homeland Security: “We are not engaged in a backdoor amnesty.” Well that certainly is news, considering that the actions of the Administration, or lack there of, scream otherwise.

The article goes on to highlight recently published memos by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which outline “administrative alternatives to comprehensive immigration reform.” The Department defends themselves by asserting that these documents were only drafts, meant to convey ideas, rather than policy. Yet, actions speak louder than words.

It appears that when it comes to immigration enforcement, the White House has decided that it knows best, deciding when laws should be enforced and when they should be ignored. Instead of providing for the rule of law and seeking change to immigration law through the legislative process, the Administration has decided to bypass Congress and dictate these changes themselves. (more…)