Will Only Radicals Get A Look-In at the G-20 Summit?

Ted Bromund /

It’s almost tempting to pity the world leaders who will arrive in London in a week for the G-20 summit. First, they have agreed to face questions from bloggers selected by G20 Voice, a creation of a relentlessly left-wing collection of NGOs, including Oxfam, Save the Children, and Blue State Digital.

Predictably, both the UK’s Foreign Office and its Department for International Development are also sponsoring this assembly of anti-sovereignty activists and free enterprise-haters. Also predictable is the fact that the summit will face no questions from bloggers who believe that G20 Voice’s goal of ending all inequality promotes the growth of the overbearing and tyrannical state. Since it is that state that has impoverished the countries about which G20 Voice pretends to be concerned, their enthusiasm for it is strikingly naive. (more…)