Tea Party Dead Right on New START

James Carafano /

Josh Rogin took note when a major Tea Party group rallied against New START, the arms control treaty Obama signed with the Russians.

He was right to pay attention. The Tea Parties have said little on defense issues. Some on the left had high hopes, even as they trashed the Tea Parties, that the latter might actually join them in an effort to cut defense spending; bail on Afghanistan; and scale back on America’s overseas footprint.

The arms-control left was also probably hoping that Tea Party followers would become part of the “anti-military” arms-control coalition from the right.

This hope appears dashed. Indeed, Liberty Central’s decision to oppose New START points to their joining the “peace through strength” coalition. In a related development, the First Coast Tea Party in Florida is hosting a screening of the pro-missile defense documentary “33 Minutes” on Sept. 7. These developments are big news. (more…)