Amnesty … It’s Baaack!

James Carafano /

Amnesty is like Jason Voorhees. No matter how many times it seems to be dead, it keeps coming back, each one worse than the last.

Washington seems to be following the same script when it comes to immigration. We tried an amnesty in 1986. It failed to stem the growing problem of illegal immigration. So Washington tried again in 2007, but Americans rejected that amnesty bill. So what does the Obama administration propose now? Amnesty. But this time they want to do it by administrative fiat.

The chances for an amnesty bill in this Congress are zero. So how does the White House plan to circumvent public opinion? Well according to a memo from the Obama Department of Homeland Security the answer is to implement a de facto amnesty by ignoring, circumventing, or manipulating existing federal statutes . (more…)