Guest Blogger: Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) Calls for Tough Choices on Spending

Rep. Doug Lamborn /

Government spending is out of control and President Obama’s method of throwing more money at our economy is not working. Federal spending cuts need to start somewhere, and there is no better place than a program that can survive on its own.

American taxpayers are subsidizing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) to the tune of over $420 million dollars in 2010 alone.  CPB is the parent company of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and the National Public Radio (NPR) radio networks.

CPB has even requested $608 million for their next funding cycle that begins in 2013. Congress continues to appropriate funding to the CPB well beyond the rate of inflation: over the past decade, funding for public broadcasting has risen over 26%.

That is serious money. (more…)