Heartland Update: Climate Change Modeling and the Sun’s Effect on Global Temperature

Nicolas Loris /

The final day of the conference begins with breakfast with the Honorable John Henry Sununu, former governor of New Hampshire and former White House Chief of Staff under George H.W. Bush. Sununu, as Heritage analyst Ben Lieberman often notes, asserts that the global warming environmental activists are anti-growth, anti-development proponents in disguise.

As former Chief of Staff, Sununu has experience dealing with environmental activists. He tells a story of global warming proponents knocking on the White House door warning if the United States doesn’t enact a global warming policy, the world will face serious repercussions. The activists pointed to scientific models, but these models were subsequently questioned and it was found that many gaping holes existed in the models, such as not accounting for oceanic effects.

Sununu says the White House increased the budget for climate funding research from a few hundred million to $1.5 billion per year – and now stands at $10 billion per year. But the return on the investment has been small. Clarifying the science and separating fact from myth still remains quite difficult.
