Video of the Week: Al Gore’s Doomsday Commencement Speech

Todd Thurman /

A college graduation is a great achievement that is the culmination of years of hard work, feverish paper writing, and the occasional all-nighter.  So when college students get to their graduation ceremony, they are usually greeted with a great celebration. They are also very positive affairs with well-known speakers giving a speech that makes it an unforgettable day. As well it should be.

Former Vice President Al Gore seems to have not gotten the memo. You see, he used a commencement speech at the University of Tennessee as a political platform and proceeded to give a doomsday lecture to the unsuspecting graduates about his predicted, dire consequences of global warming. Is that what people want to hear at a college graduation? You wouldn’t think so. Commencement speeches are usually positive focusing on the future, not fanatical end-of-world theories.
