Cameron Faces a Massive Challenge Ahead

Nile Gardiner /

Most people in Britain will be glad to see the back of the New Labour era after 13 years of socialist rule. Gordon Brown was a disastrous prime minister, whose list of achievements is nonexistent. He leaves behind a broken Britain, heavily in debt, fearful of its future, and in a state of decline. It will be up to the new PM, David Cameron, to get Britain back on its feet, both at home and abroad, heading an unprecedented Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition, in curious tandem with Nick Clegg, the most left-wing party leader of this generation.

One thing’s for certain — this is going to be a rollercoaster ride and a huge leap into the unknown. The last coalition government, in 1974, collapsed within a few months. In contrast to most of the rest of Europe, Britain doesn’t generally go for coalitions, except in wartime. (more…)